We have a lot of good news.

In the after-school program, there is a second computer! (A big thanks to the friend who donated it!) that the kids can use to study, learn English, and practice writing and using programs. And, in keeping with tradition, snacks continue to be provided for the students, school supplies are given to everyone, and support (bus expenses) is provided for the four students who study in the nearby city. Additionally, this quarter, many kilograms of rice (about 100) were given to people in need.

About BAIRE:
We had already told you about what we left there (money, 8 phones, 2 computers, and school supplies) and purchased (a TV and 3 sewing machines). Now, two electric rice cookers have also been bought for families that still use charcoal (which pollutes, is unhealthy, and is also costly). Support for single mothers continues, with a new opportunity that has arisen (details below).

Don Carlo recently told us about many things done from June until now:

1) On the occasion of the 15th birthday celebration (a very important event in all of Latin America) of three single mothers:
– Two of the phones donated by ATF were given to two of the girls celebrating their birthdays.
– The children of some of the first single mothers involved in the project were also celebrated. In September, the little ones will start preschool (a kind of nursery), and a celebration is in order.
– One of the girls gave the 15-year-olds decorated nails, which are very popular in Cuba. This led to a request from the girls to learn how to apply them, as a possible source of income. So, materials were bought for practicing: a fully equipped work table, a special lamp, and two machines, one of which is battery-powered for when there’s no electricity. The girl who knows how to do nails is teaching the others (for free, for now).

2) They also started working with fabrics to produce bags and other items. Altuofianco pays the teacher’s salary.

3) For a future single mother, who lives in a wooden house full of various insects, a mosquito net was bought, along with a set of baby clothes, diapers, bottles, and food for the newborn. She will also receive an electric rice cooker.

4) Of the two computers, one will go to the administration, while the other will be available to the children in the after-school program (along with the TV) as soon as the building that will house it is completed.

5) Finally, the three single mothers supported by ATF have been given the monthly aid of 15 dollars (weekly).

More updates will be shared in the coming months. In short, there are a lot of things happening everywhere… Can you help us?

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