After a unfortunately very long time from the last story, here we are with some news; and we hope to finally be able to give you more, and more projects, in the coming weeks. For now, we talk to you about the village of Thandarai, in India, which you already know. After the initial phase, we are beginning to deepen our relationship with that area and with the local contact person, Wilson. In addition to the “historical” aid for food for elderly women and for after-school programs (offering snacks and school materials; activities that are already becoming more continuous in themselves), Altuofianco has now made two “expansions”:

It has started to help 4 students (three girls and one boy) from the secondary school to go, or rather to return from schools in the city of Chengalpattu, about 10 km from Thandarai. In the morning they go there by public bus, which is free for students; but on the return this bus is always too full and also arrives in Thandarai around 9 pm, very late. Therefore, they must take a private bus, which is paid for; the cost is not very high even in Indian terms (2.5 euros per month per person) but it can be an obstacle for some families, or at least it may make them reflect on whether to pay and therefore whether to send their children to school or not. Since February, ATF has taken care of it and pays the tickets for about 10 euros per month in total. A few cents that mean security for the 4 boys to be able to attend school. Can it be done, what do you say? Of course, we will ask for information about the grades of the four students; we started just as the school year is ending, we will see better when it starts again, in June.

Recently we donated a second-hand computer to the after-school program offered by Italian friends (thank you!): let’s introduce these rural students to the taste of technology. Boys and girls start playing with it and have fun doing artistic things as they already do with paper (see photo: cute, right?): one of the objectives of the after-school program is precisely to develop their creative skills. That’s good, there’s always time to learn Word. See you soon for more news, not just from Thandarai: if all goes well, we’re almost there.